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In textile plants, the problems associated with pure condensate recovery from dyeing equipment like the jet dyeing and soft flow machine are invariably attributed to improper segregation of condensate and cooling water and ineffective removal of condensate.

In the absence of a proper system to address these issues, the following problems can occur. 

Process temperature not achieved: High TDS cooling water remains stagnant inside the heat exchanger after completion of the cooling cycle. When the heating cycle starts, the stagnant cooling water adds to the process heat load resulting in sluggish temperature rise in the process. 

Contamination of condensate with dye liquor: Due to Frequent leakage in heating coils / heat exchanger 

Increase in batch time: The process traps gets waterlogged due to improper evacuation of condensate, resulting in higher batch time.

Steam loss through trap bypass valve: Manual opening of the trap bypass valve to evacuate cooling water from the heat exchanger in order to achieve the desired process temperature results in loss of steam. 

Lower process condensate temperature: The condensate passes through the process trap along with the cooling water, leading to contamination and reduction in process condensate temperature.

Current Scenario


The Forbes Marshall Solution

The Forbes Marshall JET- Heat Optimisation Module (JET-HOM) is designed to segregate the condensate and cooling water effectively and then evacuate the condensate from the jet dyeing or soft flow machine. 

The system is a complete solution, equipped and engineered to improve the Condensate Recovery Factor avoiding contamination in dyeing equipment. 

jet dyeing machine


  • Dedicated On/ Off valves for condensate and cooling water outlet
  • Two Orifice Float Trap for efficient evacuation of condensate
  • Trap Monitoring System for online health checking of process traps
  • Temperature Sensor & Control Panel for proper segregation of condensate and cooling water based on defined logic 


  • No chance of contamination by cooling water
  • Efficient process trap for effective evacuation of condensate
  • Elimination of bypass valve thereby preventing live steam loss
  • Enables desired temperature gradient 
  • Prevents drop in condensate return temperature
  • Improves condensate recovery factor

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