We invest and support projects, and initiatives that have the potential to drive catalytical change in our society.
Solid Waste Management Program
With Know How Foundation2017-2021
To build the capacity of Gram Panchayat (GP) to take up sustainable solid waste management and ensure proper allocation of land, provision of basic infrastructure, and implementation of technologies.
The Khed Collective
Corporate Partners: Tata AutoComp, Bajaj Auto, Mahindra & Mahindra, ADM Group, Bridgestone, ARaymond, Corning, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, TetraPak, Huntsman, Tata Motors 2019- ongoing
Skilling Engineers
local NGO partners at our branch locations in India2018- ongoing
Worker Facilitation Center
Aajeevika Bureau2021- ongoing
Goatery: Rural Goat Rearing Programme
with BAIF- BISLD2017- ongoing
Corporate Shared Value Programme
with Multiple Partners2018- ongoing
Newspaper Bag Project for Women Empowerment
with Yojak
Women’s Self Help Groups & Federation
with DST1997-2021
Swadheen: Vocational Training Programme
with Lend A Hand India2017-2021
Tambat/ Coppersmiths Livelihood project
with Coppre/ INTACH
Improving Tribal Livelihoods
with Under The Mango Tree Society2018-2020
Solid Waste Management Programme
with Know How Foundation2017-2021
Legal Jankar: Protection of Violence Against Women
with Chaitanya2019-2022
Disha Foundation
with Disha2017 to 2020
Social venture Partners (SVP)
with Social venture Partners2015 to 2020
With Atma Education2019 to 2022
Centre for Social Impact & Philanthropy (CSIP)
With Centre for Social Impact & PhilanthropyJuly to September 2019
Dasra Social Impact Accelerator Programme
With Dasra2018-till date
CAP India
With Centre for Advancement of Philantrophy1993-till date
Women Empowerment collaborative
With Edelgive Foundation2020-2023
Migrant resilience Collaborative
With Janasahas2020-2025
The Social Compact
With Multiple stakeholders2020-2025
Incubation Programme
With TFIx2021 - ongoing
Atma Accelerator Programme
With Atma Education2018 - ongoing
Incubation Program for Social Organizations
With UnLtd India (Social Entrepreneurs Foundation) 2021 - ongoing
Back the Frontline
With Impact Foundation India (Dasra)2021 - ongoing
Future of Impact Collaborative
With Atma Education2021 - ongoing
Child Guidance Centre
with KEM Hospital - TDH Morris Centre & Yojak2008-ongoing
SATH (Safe Adolescent Transition and Health)
with HMP2017-2021
Aarambh: Early Child Development Programme
with Ummeed2014-2020
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute
with Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute2016-2019
Aangan Trust – Safety for Girls
with Aangan Trust2016-2017
A-bhay Abhiyan
With Yojak2015-2020
After School Learning Centre
with Yojak2003- ongoing
Children with Learning Disabilities
with Dr Anjali Morris Education2019 -2020
Friends of Children Scholarships
with Friends of Children, Pune2011 - 2021
Gammatwadis (Pre-school)
with Swadhar
with Yojak
Grameen Balbhavan Education Program
with Quality Education Support Trust, Sonale, District Palghar2014 - 2020
iTeach Student Alumni Wing
with iTeach2018-ongoing
Khed Education Collective
with Leadership for Equity2019-ongoing
2015 - 2020
School Library Programme
with Door step & Swadhar2014-ongoing
TFIx – Rural Education
with TFIx2020-ongoing
Nurture Merit Programme
with Friends of Children2011-ongoing
TARANG: Life skill Education programmes for youth
with CYDA2012-2021
A-bhay Abhiyan
With Yojak2015-2020
We supported an innovative project that looked at how to stop corporal and verbal punishment to children in school
After School Learning Centre
with Yojak2003- ongoing
Children with Learning Disabilities
with Dr Anjali Morris Education2019 -2020
Friends of Children Scholarships
with Friends of Children, Pune2011 - 2021
Gammatwadis (Pre-school)
with Swadhar
with Yojak
Grameen Balbhavan Education Program
with Quality Education Support Trust, Sonale, District Palghar2014 - 2020
iTeach Student Alumni Wing
with iTeach2018-ongoing
Khed Education Collective
with Leadership for Equity2019-ongoing
2015 - 2020
Child Guidance Centre
with KEM Hospital - TDH Morris Centre & Yojak2008-ongoing
CGC is a centre for psychological testing, assessment and counselling. The centre provides assessment and counselling services as well as carry out behavioural counselling, parent counselling, development assessment and IQ testing.
SATH (Safe Adolescent Transition and Health)
with HMP2017-2021
Aarambh: Early Child Development Programme
with Ummeed2014-2020
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute
with Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute2016-2019
Aangan Trust – Safety for Girls
with Aangan Trust2016-2017
Solid Waste Management Programme
with Know How Foundation2017-2021
To build the capacity of Gram Panchayat (GP) to take up sustainable solid waste management and ensure proper allocation of land, provision of basic infrastructure, and implementation of technologies.
Legal Jankar: Protection of Violence Against Women
with Chaitanya2019-2022
Disha Foundation
with Disha2017 to 2020
Social venture Partners (SVP)
with Social venture Partners2015 to 2020
With Atma Education2019 to 2022
Centre for Social Impact & Philanthropy (CSIP)
With Centre for Social Impact & PhilanthropyJuly to September 2019
Dasra Social Impact Accelerator Programme
With Dasra2018-till date
CAP India
With Centre for Advancement of Philantrophy1993-till date
Women Empowerment collaborative
With Edelgive Foundation2020-2023
Migrant resilience Collaborative
With Janasahas2020-2025
Goatery: Rural Goat Rearing Programme
with BAIF- BISLD2017- ongoing
This is a rural initiative working to impact the tribal population assisting in livelihood enhancement through goat rearing. We equipped farmers and landless villagers with scientific rearing practices and improved negotiation capacity.
Corporate Shared Value Programme
with Multiple Partners2018- ongoing
Newspaper Bag Project for Women Empowerment
with Yojak
Women’s Self Help Groups & Federation
with DST1997-2021
Swadheen: Vocational Training Programme
with Lend A Hand India2017-2021
Tambat/ Coppersmiths Livelihood project
with Coppre/ INTACH
Improving Tribal Livelihoods
with Under The Mango Tree Society2018-2020
How We Fund
The Forbes Marshall Foundation awards grants to organisations that fulfill at least 4 of the following criteria:
Your initiative addresses an underserved need (i.e. limited funds by other donors or fewer organizations addressing the need.)
Your initiative addresses a social issue with an innovative approach/strategy.
Your initiative has the potential sustain beyond project period i.e. have a well-articulated sustainability plan.
You have thoroughly though through how your work can be replicable and can scale for large-scale impact
You work/intiative is a part of a collaborative
Your product/program design is extensively backed by high-quality, authentic primary and secondary research.

Funding Method
Our grant period is a minimum of 3 years, with the potential to extend for 4-5years. We use the Logic Framework Analysis to review grant projects, and conduct a half yearly financial audit of every project. After a few years post the completion of our grant period, we evaluate the impact of a few select organisations to see how they have sustained and implemented the project.
For Grants and Project Submissions