Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

TunnelTech 602

The TunnelTech 602 Illuminance photometer monitors the average illuminance within a tunnel in accordance with Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage, (C.I.E.), publication 88, 1990 recommendations, the photometer monitors the average illuminance over a range of 0 – 20,000 lux.

The detector is a metal/glass encased silicon diode photocell which is filtered to give a response that mimics the performance of the human eye.

The detector is perfectly linear within its measuring range and has an instantaneous response to changing light levels.

  • Compliant with Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, (C.I.E), publication 88, 1990.
  • Measurement of tunnel illuminance – 0 -20,000 lux.
  • Calibrated using standards traceable to UK National Physical Laboratory.
  • Accuracy +/-3%.
  • Metal/glass silicon photodiode, VI filtered to human spectral response.
  • Rugged Aluminium housing to IP65.

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