Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation


A good steam and condensate system depends largely on a good syphon system. Syphons are selected based on factors such as machine speed, steam pressure, condensing load etc.
Stationary Syphon Elbow is designed for machines that operate at low speeds of up to 150 – 250 mpm for a dryer of 1500 mm diameter.
Fixed Bend Syphons are ideal for low to medium speed machines up to 400 mpm and for dryers of 1200, 1500 & 1800 mm diameter. They offer better mechanical stability and lower clearance.
Rotary Syphon is used for speeds above 250 mpm upto 650 mpm.. The syphon has a pick-up shoe on one side, which is designed for low inlet pressure drop and maximum flow. The syphon is designed for minimum blow through steam.

  • Medium differential pressure (min 0.5 to 0.6 bar g)
  • Rigid, stainless steel construction to sustain high turbulence
  • Elbow supported with spring loading
  • Long life floating seal
  • Special shoe profile (in fixed bend and rotary syphons)

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