Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Swas in Shelter

SWAS in Shelter brings portability to Forbes Marshall’s high quality Steam and Water Analysis Systems making them suitable for applications where having a dedicated space for a SWA is not feasible due to multiple factors.

Online monitoring of Steam and Water purity and quality is critical for the health and safety of costly equipment like boilers, turbines etc. Any SWAS will have a large number of delicate analysers that need to be mounted in dust free and air-conditioned environment. These analysers also need reliable sample conditioning system for dependable results.

In gas based combine cycle power plants these analyser systems required to be mounted near HRSG Boilers or in field in water treatment Plants.
SWAS in Shelter comes as a prefabricated containerized (shelter) mounted Systems and is the best choice for such users. Forbes Marshall is the largest and most experienced SWAS supplier from India. We offer completely integrated, factory tested containerized Water Quality Analyzer packages.

  • Factory tested Turnkey integrated containerised system
  • Split HVAC system designed as per heat load
  • Fully insulated for efficient operation and low HVAC cost

Have a project in mind that you think we’d be a great fit for it? We’d love to know what you’re thinking

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