QSWAS™ Sampling System
Large number process plants need steam & turbines in their process. As the capacity of the plant increases, the size of the boiler and turbine also increases to take care of the captive need. Quite often, these Cogen and Captive power plants run without online steam and water analysis systems. Lack of a SWAS leads to poor quality water and steam entering the boiler and the turbine and making them susceptible to damage.
The biggest challenges in installing a modern SWAS in such plants are:
• No space in existing plant layout
• No scope for carrying out major civil work
QSWAS System from Forbes Marshall is a modular SWAS Package specially designed for such user needs. It can be deployed in minimal space and needs no major civil work on site.
- Designed as per ASME PTC 19.11-2008 standard guidelines
- Basic building blocks for systems
- Easy to replace and install in existing plants
- Safety & Reliability
- Wall mounted & Rack mounted options.
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