Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
This is a product of Krohne Marshall. Krohne Marshall's range of products is available for India and Indian subcontinent only.


The OPTISYS CL 1100 measuring system consists of the membrane free OPTISENS CL 1100 sensor. The sensor is characterised by standardised design, easy handling and a long life cycle. Together with the MAC 100 signal converter, flow-through holders, valves, temperature sensor and an optional pH sensor OPTISENS PH 8500, this is a tested and pre-wired measuring system which is very reliable and easy to maintain.

Digitally Enabled

  • ASR – Automatic Sensor Cleaning feature for reliable measurement
  • The measuring system is completely mounted and can be easily installed in the measuring loop.
  • A unique combination of a membrane-free sensor with 2 gold electrodes for long-term stability and easy maintenance
  • Suitable for measuring free chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone

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