Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Note: Forbes Marshall has expanded its product portfolio by acquiring the entire product range of AWA Instruments Pte Ltd, Singapore (AWA). We will continue to supply and provide full support & service for all AWA products.

Multi parameter Analyser CX 2000

Introducing the CX2000 series analyser – your solution for water and wastewater treatment monitoring. Water chemistry is a complex field and to comply with regulations for effluent discharge, sewage, and wastewater treatment, you need a tool that can handle multiple parameters and monitor them in real-time.

The CX2000 series analyser is a modular platform that is designed to cater to the most demanding industrial applications. Housed in a dual compartment cabinet, the electronics and hydraulics are separated, ensuring that it can withstand any environment. It meets the electromagnetic compatibility requirements in accordance with IEC standards and is TUV Rheinland certified.

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