Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Forbes Marshall Pipeline Connectors FMPC

Even an average-sized steam facility will have hundreds of, if not thousands of steam traps. All these traps need periodic maintenance. During steam trap maintenance, the time taken to replace or repair the trap depends on how easily it can be removed from the pipeline. Often this has to wait until the whole system is shut down. Forbes Marshall Pipeline Connectors facilitate quick, easy, reliable and safe connection of steam traps to the pipelines.

The unique design of Forbes Marshall’s pipeline connectors allows steam traps to be quickly removed and replaced within a matter of minutes thereby offering ease of installation, operation and maintenance.

  • Use of integral piston valves makes the system leak-proof with positive shutoff.
  • Minimizes the number of joints required to install every single steam trap.
  • Significantly brings down the time required to install, maintain or replace steam traps.

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