Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Note: Forbes Marshall has expanded its product portfolio by acquiring the entire product range of AWA Instruments Pte Ltd, Singapore (AWA). We will continue to supply and provide full support & service for all AWA products.

COD Nitrate Analyser

The COD analyser uses UVpcx which is a state-of-the-art water monitoring system specially designed for high reliability, low operating cost and small size. It is backed by more than ten years of expertise. Ultra-violet spectroscopy, the most reliable and stable method, is used to analyse specific parameters: ammonia, COD, hydrocarbons, nitrate and fluorescent tracers. Optical methods are also used for turbidity and colour while electrodes are used for pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity.

  • The touch screen human interface provides an incomparable facility for setting parameters, calibrating or testing the instrument.
  • Longer Lamp Life
  • An optional built-in peristaltic pump can be added to take samples directly from rivers, reservoirs or open channels with a maximum pumping height of 3 meters.
  • No Filtering with River Water or Waste Water
  • Data Logging with RS232 Downloads



Range: 0-250 mg/L


Range: 0-100 mg/L


Range: 0-30 mg/L

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