Dr. Naushad Forbes takes over as President Confederation of Indian Industry
Dr. Naushad Forbes, Co-Chairman Forbes Marshall, has taken over as the 42nd President of Confederation of Indian Industry for 2016-17. Over the years, he has held several positions in CII contributing to Indian Industry, business and society.
The theme for the year is Building National Competitiveness with a focus on Human development, Corporate integrity and good citizenship, Ease of doing business, Innovation and technical capability, Sustainability and integration with the world. This theme focuses particularly on productivity, which is the source of sustainable growth and success at the company level. The agenda will focus on productivity as a way of building enduring national competitiveness.
CII is India’s premier business association with 66 offices in India and in several international locations. It has a direct membership of around 8000 and indirect membership of over 200,000 enterprises from around 240 national and regional sectoral industry bodies.