Chemical and API

ZLD: MEE + ATFD + Stripper

Zero Liquid Discharge Systems help plants to conserve water and minimise effluent discharge. The system, comprising a stripping column, Multiple Effect Evaporator and Agitated Thin Film Dryer, removes dissolved and suspended solids from wastewater.

The resulting water stream is reused and the solid waste stream disposed. ZLDs consume about 40% of total plant steam. Besides high operating costs, high moisture in the solid stream and not being able to operate the ZLD at design capacity are also issues prevalent across plants.

Our Solution:

The holistic solution from Forbes Marshall encompasses


Lower cost of production

Lower cost of production

Higher yield

Higher yield

No operator dependency

No operator dependency

Safety assured

Reduced batch time

Reduced batch time

Utility optimisation

Repeatable batch quality

Repeatable batch quality