Chemical and API

Chemical Batching

Most primary processing occurs in reactors where products are made under controlled conditions. Consistent product quality for each batch is critical. Traditional systems can cause inconsistencies in raw material intake, affecting product quality and process and energy efficiency. Similarly conventionally managing pH dependent reactions can lead to inaccurate or prolonged batch times.

In multi-utility reactors, steam, cooling and chilled water are supplied to the same jacket. Conventional hook-ups cause fluctuations in heating/cooling profiles, temperature overshoots, batch inconsistencies and utility contamination. Contaminated condensate is drained to the ETP/cooling tower.

Steam load is significantly higher at start-up and conventional traps often fail to evacuate condensate completely, leading to steam loss.

Our Solution:

Forbes Marshall provides a complete solution designed to address these issues


Consistent product quality across batches

Optimum start-up and batch times

Safe operations

Equipment uptime

Lowest energy consumption

Lower effluent load and water consumption

Reduced operator dependency