Chemical and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API)

Optimising Energy, Maximising Efficiency, Reducing Environmental Impact

Whether an existing plant, expansion, or greenfield project, our engineered solutions and services for major application areas boost performance, conserve energy, and reduce environmental impact.

The chemical and API sector ranks among the largest process industries, characterised by rapidly evolving plants that produce a diverse and ever-changing product mix.

Utility systems need to be flexible enough to meet evolving process needs efficiently and safely. Plants also need to ensure accuracy with every batch, cost control, regulatory compliance and sustainability. Steam is used extensively to facilitate reactions, distillation, drying and for evaporation to meet zero liquid discharge compliance, and contributes significantly to utility cost.

For over 75 years, Forbes Marshall has provided innovative products and services to help industries improve their process and energy efficiency and be more environmentally responsible. We have partnered with major chemical plants globally that manufacture a wide range of products such as dyes, pigments, agrochemicals (including pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers), polymers, intermediates, alkalies, amines, fluorides, chlorides, aldehydes, petrochemicals, soaps, DFA (Detergent and Functional Additives), surfactants, soda ash/chlor-alkali, acids, and various specialty chemicals.

Let us help you

Improve Process

We help to enhance quality, consistency, and accuracy of processes, and improve productivity with solutions for measurement and control and by addressing utility bottlenecks.


We help reduce utility costs and deliver 20- 24% reduction on the boiler fuel bill by reducing steam generation costs, minimising distribution losses, optimising equipment steam. consumption and improving condensate

Reduce Environmental Impact

Our products and services help plants reduce fuel consumption, monitor stack parameters, and reduce CO2 emissions. We also help to optimise water and effluent management, address contamination, and maximise condensate recovery, reducing environmental impact

Run Safe

Our online monitoring and control solutions prevent and address operational deviations in processes and utilities like steam. Additionally, we identify and rectify design gaps in the steam system that could pose hazards to the plant and personnel.


Improve and Sustain

Our digital services impact key performance indicators across plant, equipment and device level. At device level, we focus on sustaining uptime at >95%. Equipment level services deliver more efficient and precise operations. Plant level services help improve and sustain specific energy consumption, water consumption and condensate recovery factor