Every 6°C rise in feedwater temperature reduces the fuel bill by 1%.

Condensate forms at steam temperatures. If it is returned to the feed water tank, every 60C rise in temperature reduces the fuel bill by 1%.

As steam looses heat, it turns back into water. This water is called condensate and has temperature equal to that of steam.

Returning condensate to boiler feed water tank raises the feed water temperature, improving the steam to fuel ratio. This cuts the fuel consumption thereby reducing the fuel bill.

As a rule of thumb, every 60C rise in feed water temperature saves 1% on the fuel bill.


Consider 1kg of feed water to be converted to steam at 5 barg.

Case 1Case 2
AFeedwater temp400C460C
BAmount of energy in feed water40Kcal46Kcal
CSteam at 5 barg contains657.9 Kcal
DGCV of fuel (Furnace Oil)10200Kcal/kg
EAmount of fuel required to produce steam(C – B) / D0.060kg0.059kg

As seen, the fuel required has reduced by 1.6% over the previous requirement.