EverSense for Plant-wide Performance

Going #BeyondConnectivity to improve and sustain key performance indicators across your plant.

On average, plant level KPIs vary between 25-40%. This can be improved and sustained to a variation band within 10% through our knowledge based services.

Numerous variables, such as production loads, seasonal requirements, operating practices, operator competencies, inadequacy of monitoring systems, lack of real-time data, and product mix, impact a plant’s performance. This results in increased production costs and can also impact the quality of production. A holistic view of a plant’s operation ensures each utility is considered when optimising overall consumption, leading to a sustainable, efficient plant. From your boiler house, to your entire steam, water and air systems, Forbes Marshall provides continuous, accurate, real-time data monitoring and regular diagnostic reports of your plant including actionable insights to sustain KPIs. This ensures that uptime increases, maximising production capability and ensuring production quality is maintained.

Key parameters we monitor


Condensate recovery


Specific Steam Consumption


Specific Water Consumption


Steam: Fuel Ratio


Steam System Score


Uptime of Utility System


And other utilities like air and power

We provide actionable insights

Issue Resolution

Monitoring critical utility and process parameters like flow, pressure, temperature, quality and productivity, gives us insights into overall plant performance variations. This combined with our deep Industry knowledge, enables root-cause analysis, driving feedback for improving and sustaining plant KPIs.


We help establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) and maintenance practices to ensure efficient and safe plant operations. We build competence of your team to take immediate preventive or corrective actions based on our insights.

Backed by our wide
reach and expertise

Our team of sales and service engineers, based in 18 countries, have experience of over 30 industry segments globally. These specialists visit plants daily, understanding and addressing real needs. And now, you have 24×7 access to this expertise through both, digital connects and site visits.

Delivering Benefits

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