Mentoring – more than an occasional conversation over coffee
The Pune based, Naushad Forbes, executive director of Forbes Marshall is often called ‘the trainer’. He recalls how 25 years ago, the head of his IT business quit saying he didn’t get enough guidance from his seniors who were more skilled in the field. “This prompted us to think about how our young people required not only encouragement but also inputs to enable them to learn,” he says. Forbes Marshall has set up a change team which meets weekly to discuss what can be improved in the company and its people, and then works towards doing just that.
“We keep track of young talent and how they are doing — whether they are happy or challenged or bored. We are now in the process of making this more systematic,” he says Forbes. He himself follows an open door policy and holds regular interactions with employees to discuss a range of issues.
Ref : The Economic Times, Corporate Dossier