Improving Mainline Steam Trapping and Condensate Recovery
Customer: A leading Beverage manufacturer in Thailand
During operation, the plant faced a significant drop in condensate temperature to 48°C and low condensate recovery. Local draining of bypasses was frequently required during process runs because the heating time and temperature failed to reach target settings. Additionally, the condensate pump operating on compressed air encountered operational issues.
Forbes Marshall engineers conducted a thorough survey of the plant, assessing both the steam trap system and the air condensate pump. Our survey identified that the existing steam traps were not suitable for the application, which contributed to inefficient condensate recovery and suboptimal heating performance. We implemented a holistic solution to address these problems. This included the correct selection and installation of steam traps to enhance performance, optimising the Condensate Recovery System (CRS) to achieve 100% recovery, and resolving issues with the condensate pump. These measures eliminated the stalling issues, improved condensate temperature and the recovery factor, and ensure optimum process temperature, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of the plant.
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