EverSense for Condensate Recovery Factor

Going #BeyondConnectivity to help improve and sustain condensate recovery factor (CRF) ensuring reliability, safety and sustainability of operations.

On average, plant condensate recovery can be improved by 10-15% and sustained through our solution.

In today’s dynamic and competitive landscape, where energy costs continue to rise, maintaining an efficient steam system is imperative. A drop in CRF leads to incremental fuel and fresh water consumption in the boiler and a higher effluent load.

CRF variation causes include:

  • Uptime or leakages of mainline, process traps or the condensate pump
  • Unnecessary steam loss through a trap bypass valve
  • Flash vented, condensate drained
  • Feed water tank management
  • Direct steam consumption

Key parameters we monitor


Condensate recovery


Feed water temperature


Steam flow


Condensate from various pumps


Make up water flow

We provide actionable insights

Issue Resolution

We help bridge the gap between recovered and recoverable condensate to improve the recovery factor. We identify and address reasons for the variation.


We train your team and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) and maintenance procedures to ensure asset health. Our deep Industry knowledge results in actionable insights to help maintain uptime of >95%.

Backed by our wide
reach and expertise

Our team of sales and service engineers, based in 18 countries, have experience of over 30 industry segments globally. These specialists visit plants daily, understanding and addressing real needs. And now, you have 24×7 access to this expertise through both, digital connects and site visits.

Delivering Benefits

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