Forbes Marshall organised a seminar on “Energy saving and Improvement Opportunities” on 4th August, in Bandung, Indonesia. The participants were mainly from the Textiles industry, Food and Beverage industries, Pharmaceuticals and Paper industries.

The session was interactive and emphasized on energy savings opportunities in the boiler section, distribution, utilization, and condensate and flash steam recovery. An animation video was presented in the session for customers’ better understanding. Through the session, the steam system customer had a clearer idea about what we presented. 

The audience understood that higher energy usage in the plant leads to increased operating or conversion costs and a higher CO2 footprint. Rising fuel costs also mean shrinking bottom lines. Steam is crucial in process industries, providing heat for processing. Steam system bottlenecks affect productivity, product quality and employee safety. 

They realised that plants in Indonesia consume 30-35% more energy due to steam system issues. Besides energy savings, plants can also reduce their water consumption and ETP load by optimising condensate recovery which is either completely drained or only partially recovered. This concise session shared insights on financial, environmental, and operational benefits of optimising energy usage and practical strategies to effectively achieve plant KPIs.

Some stakeholders expressed concern over online maintenance of traps. They found our product CMTD42M-F to be the answer for doing online maintenance and online checking of traps performance. This session was a notification for them that we are here and also we are their great partner in the energy savings programme.