29th Steam Engineering and Energy Conservation workshop at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

As part of our Industry-Academia Intervention initiatives, #ForbesMarshall set up a Steam Engineering Centre at , University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2005. Since then, we have been regularly conducting steam engineering courses in collaboration with the Engineering Design Centre, Faculty of Engineering at the University.

We recently concluded the 29th Steam Engineering and Energy Conservation workshop, which was attended by over 40 engineers and technical managers from various industry segments in Sri Lanka. This 3-day workshop is the only steam engineering training which provides laboratory experiences for industrialists to enhance their knowledge on steam engineering applications and energy conservation techniques.

To register for the next workshop, dates of which will be announced soon, kindly contact Ms Priyanka (081-2386429/ edc@pdn.ac.lk/ edcuop@gmail.com).